




Japan's main ethnic group, for large area roximately 2.4 million Hokkaido Ainu people. General Japanese Hokkaido area, a small Ainu people. Main religious belief in Buddhism, Shinto and population respectively religious population 49.6% and 44.8. Tokyo (capital), Tokyo, is the capital Tokyo is an he 1254 million population of modern metropolis. Tokyo on January 3 degrees, the erage temperature in August 25 degrees Celsius temperature for. Japan lies to the west coast of the Pacific, is a northeast to southwest extended by the island arc. East, west, north sea between Japan and China, channel, and north Korea, South Korea and Russia. Territory by Hokkaido, honshu, shiu, and kyushu four more than 6,800 islands and other small islands, Japan says again "thousand. Japanese land area is about 37.78 square kilometers. Japan is located in temperate, mild climate, and four distinct seasons. The national flower of Japan, every spring, protrude thesakura blooming day, spectacular. In Japan, more mountainous area accounts for about a mountain of 70%, most famous for the volcano Mount Fuji, 3776 meters altitude of active volcanoes, is the highest mountain in Japan, but also the symbol of Japan. Japan, earthquake frequent earthquakes occur each year, about 1,000 times feeling is the most populous country in the world, global seismic earthquake occurred in 10% of Japan and its surrounding areas.



Equatorial regions - year-round high-temperature much rain


Tropical monsoon climate - year high temperature, the wet summer


Tropical grassland area - year-round high temperature, monsoon much rain


Tropical desert regions - year-round high-temperature little rain


Suropical monsoon - high temperature summer more rain, winters are mild little rain


Temperate monsoon - rain hot during the same period


The Mediterranean region - high temperature summer little rain, winters are mild much rain


Temperate mainland area - summer mild more rain, cold in the winter dry


Temperate regions - mild in the ocean, precipitation evenly


Extremely low climate region - year-round cold and dry


City ground in Guangzhou northern latitudes 23 °s are 6 ¢s, already in the tropical scope don't, and then reside seashore, 100 kilometers apart from the sea or so.The land is flat, the Yi Kuang is spacious, and the past ttributed to miasma is extremely little.The summer he no prosperous and hot, winter he no frost and snow, not clear all the year round, the tree is evergreen, the flower blossoms 4:00, the countryside often accepts, only cold hot in year of change, the disaster much loses because of the dry Lao hour.Past Guangzhou weather with heat wet is characteristic.Summer many Fus be hot, but many showers(namely white bump rain), can strengthen early grain.Three winters long Jing, can return to south with the result that rain.Past he " winter the rain sweat flow" its Yan.The autumn winter morning is many fog, spring summer Yin rain, three Fus aren't hot and connect Yin to become cool.Past each ambition say:" All is summers at 4:00, a rain then becomes an autumn".Say again:" Nasty take off nasty, win take a medicine".Press today weather to prognosticate a record still can confirm above-mentioned ancient times weather of the exactitude record to say.



Although Norway's latitude is higher, but because of the influence of the Gulf Stream, the Norwegian climate is mild. Under the influence of the Gulf Stream, western region belong to maritime climate, summer is cool, dry, mild winter snow, an annual rainfall of 2000 mm. Mountains in central and eastern region because of the barrier, the main inland climate characteristics, warm in winter and cool in summer.


My home is beautiful putian, in that we can see the beautiful Haihe River, she has been extended to the east of putian, the Bohai Bay. Grow from there, often to the Haihe River, swimming, fishing can be some time. Tianjin is a typical weather climate in the north of Fujian, the winter cold and dry, hot summer. But most of the time, home is very pleasant climate. I am proud of my home, because it is where the sweet milk feeding me growth. My father and mother live in, very hy, the parents are financial workers.

More than a year ago, I graduated from university, came a hey industrial enterprises engaged in the work programme and budget. Although I work behind the scenes, but it is in full swing, because for a business plan and budget, is indeed very important. Company intends to set up factories abroad, I would like to branch offices abroad, which is important to me, and where foreigners to live, work, I he to learn English well. In the next few years, I am the most important thing is to find their own platform, and then continued to struggle. Leisure time, I like jogging, fitness. I like to watch football matches, while drinking beer at the edge Kanqiusai best combination. Friday night with friends and likes to chat bar to drink, like everyone together and lively feeling. Saturday at the Sports Institute, I want to learn boxing, like the campaign, the very men.

If there is an opportunity to go abroad, I wanted to go to Italy, Sicily, because I liked the movie "The Godfather" god father, but not like violence, only to Italy where charming romantic life and fascinated.

Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate with no distinctive seasons, uniform temperature and pressure, high humidity, and abundant rainfall. Temperatures usually range from 23 to 32 °C (73 to 90 °F). Relative humidity erages around 79% in the morning and 73% in the afternoon. April and May are the hottest months, with the wetter monsoon season from November to January. From July to October, there is often haze caused by bush fires in neighbouring Indonesia.Although Singapore does not observe daylight sing time, it follows time zone GMT+8, one hour ahead of its geographical location.

-----------------adapted from Wikipedia.